Monday, November 1, 2010

30 Day Giving Challenge

I heard about this through a few other blogs today, and have decided this is a great opportunity for our family to keep track on paper (or blog!) of our ability to give, great or small, and help start a habit. After all, most habits can be started in 30 days.

The 30 Day Giving Challenge is motivation to consciously put forth the effort to GIVE! I'm reading it to mean in any way that you are able, physically, emotionally, or monetarily. A bag of groceries to a friend, helping shovel the neighbors driveway, or just giving a compliment to someone.

I'm very much hoping to keep track of my 30 days on my blog here, since I seem to blog better when I have a goal (remember Life In My Land's Freebie Challenge?)! So here is hoping I can keep my resolution to "give" to my blog! Haha!

After today, I'll list each entry with a heading such as "Day 1 of Giving."

Have fun following along, and feel free to share in comments or on your own blog about what you can give!!!

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