Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day 14

Today was a total outdoor day! I'm not much for the outdoors, I detest heat, bugs, sweating, stinkiness...ugh! But we did have an awfully fun time planting a HUGE garden with our neighbors. We have 23 full rows, about half of them seeded which we finished today. The rest are plant ones so we will finish those up on Sunday.
I also planted some Mint Juliep Spearmint, Pineapple Mint, and Lemon Balm plants next to my rhubarb...I love mint and fruity things so this is my little patch.

I thought today might be my first day with nothing free to post, but when we went out to clean up the garage construction site I did find some free things...Coke Reward Points! Thanks construction guys! I hope they drink lots and lots of coke this summer haha!

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